The Legacy of a Parent’s Love

Dick and Rick Hoyt have been racing for many years…so you likely have seen pictures of them in Sports Illustrated or on YouTube or any number of places.  The pair race in all manner of races…road races to triathlons.   This video inspired me this morning…in a world that can have cruelty, where people can …

Heavy hearts…and perspective

The tragic loss of lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut has stirred many people deeply…in a variety of ways.  We see grieving parents and identify with the loss, school children wonder about safety and have fears as the vulnerability of life becomes very real, and others rise up in anger at injustice …

Espy’s got style!

Espy has continued to be a cool conversation piece around the office…these amaryllis plants are enough to shock anybody with their amazing growth… Espy was 22.3 cm 2 weeks ago… a week ago she was 31.0 cm and on Friday she was up to 41.6 cm… Ah-MAZE-ing I have to admit though, the growth of …


Spent some time with parents of young children yesterday…discussing with them how hard it is in today’s culture to maintain a quality relationship with one’s spouse. Two-thirds of marriages take a nose dive in quality once the children come along. It’s hard to “be enough” as a mom…to protect our children, to stimulate them, to …

You’re beautiful!

I was surfing today and came across two pieces of info back to back.  The first was this*…beautiful portraiture capturing beauty, not as the modelling world might see it, but as it truly is…the expression of joy, exuberance, loveliness, and “the sparkle” in a person’s eye as they laugh.:     The second was this, …

Condemnation does not liberate

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. I’ve had a few conversations lately with people who want to be closer to a spouse, and so they complain bitterly to them about how they aren’t home enough and no surprise, they aren’t home more after that want a teenage child to be less obnoxious and disrespectful, and …


I was at an introductory meeting for parents at a school the other day.  One of the speakers spoke to us about students and how to best prepare them to be able to do well.  She said that research indicates that the number one predictive factor of academic success is the level of resilience in …

A Brave Mama Calls

Got an email from a dear friend, Nellie * yesterday…and she told me of how she had spoken with her son that day. No big deal for many moms…but for this mama, it was a once in lifetime experience….literally. Nellie received an email from her son who she has not seen in 36 years…she released …