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Hope n Hard Work

Sigh…I love videos where seemingly hopeless situations are turned around…take a look at this video: {! admin/html?id=416a524cc932c1da2d3385a7476f2325 !} What I especially love?   the way this guy hung in there and didn’t give up…he hunted down someone who would help…and that took persistence,  he hung in there when the exercises were hard and his balance …

A Thought

Looking forward to our “Perfectly Imperfect” Group starting in less than a month…a group that will give women the space to talk about how to resist the shattering forces both internally and externally…and finding ways to center oneself…embracing whole hearted living.

Your "Doing"…what does it say?

I remember being very moved by The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, years ago when he gave it, and bought and devoured the same titled book when it came out a short time later. Randy Pausch, a man dying of pancreatic cancer, chose to spend his last months finding ways to be a good dad …

Difference between "Good" and "Nice"

The difference between good and nice has been on my mind a bunch lately. Trying to sort out the difference, and trying to make some promises to myself about what I want to do with my fresh thinking on this. It started a few weeks ago when a friend and I went for a looooong …


Trust and uncommon friendship is always beautiful to witness. It challenges and inspires us to look for connection and allow ourselves to risk trusting another that change lives. sitellite/util/snippets (code=a62f60087818095a7f0d6e5653c604fc) “They harbor no fears, no secrets, no prejudices. Just living two creatures who somehow manage to look past their immense differences….if they can do it, …

The "Critical 6" messages

Six Critical Messages for Children to hear from us: I believe in you I trust you I know you can handle this You are listened to You are cared for You are very important to me Barbara Coloroso sitellite/util/snippets (code=d44f2009e711e15a63d59052a9d75011) Barbara Coloroso is my parenting hero. Her style provides clear respectful boundaries that allow children …