Underestimating yourself?

I was surprised to find this memory on my Facebook feed today. I called into the radio station to say, “BOOKKEEPER!” I have a knack for remembering useless information and this time it came in handy. I can’t remember most of I won–except I do remember getting a plastic chest that would teach me how …

We don't have to hide scars. Article on losing children by Conexus Counselling

Beautiful Golden Scars

Today is the day I go to the cemetery to sing a lullaby to my sons. I write every year to honour their memory. These little ones who I anticipated with such longing and joy. These little ones whose death shattered me when they died. This comes after a birthday party where Husband and a few …

Returning me to myself

It was my birthday last week. And Husband knows me: I like to anticipate goodness more than by surprised by it I prefer much smaller groups over large crowds He hosted a birthday gathering for me with some of my favourite people. They told me that I positively beamed while they sang Happy Birthday to …

On the anniversary: A letter to myself on my wedding day all those years ago. It's not gonna work out, but you will be okay.

To my younger to-be-divorced-one-day-self on your wedding day

Dear Carolyn-bride, You didn’t know me all those years ago at 22—but you would have known I would be coming one day. I’ve been thinking a lot about you. This is a momentous anniversary of something now gone, and so I’ve been thinking about you more than usual in the last couple of days. Today …

Necessary losses

We know, as parents, from the moment we give birth to a child, that this precious being is only entrusted to us for a time. I knew one day that my child would leave.  I knew that in my head…but didn’t ever think about facing the reality with my heart. We raise our children with …