It won't always be this hard. A story of encouragement for those experiencing depression

Hope for mental health

May is Mental Health Month. Seems like a good idea–to have a month focusing on mental health–when it is month 15 of a relentless pandemic that requires us to do the very thing that gives life to living–connection. Sometimes, it’s not important to change your mind or give you advice or push for you to …

The darkness isn’t always something to be feared…sometimes, it is a cozy place to connect. On blog about safe haven in the cozy darkness on So low down is up date

You will be found

It doesn’t get any darker than this!! There’s an odd relief in knowing it is only brighter from here. Today is my annual “So Low that Down is Up” day…December 21, the day of the longest night. Tomorrow, December 22, is gonna be a wee bit brighter. Today is my favourite day of the year…for …

Depression Support 101

Depression is a scary diagnosis when it happens to someone living in your house. When depression hits someone you love, it’s so hard to figure out how to be meaningfully supportive. It’s so much easier to support someone with a broken leg than with a heart that feels lifeless and heavy, isn’t it? In this …

Let’s Talk–It’s good!

  Years and years ago, Mary and I began a friendship. When Former Husband and I moved to Winnipeg, she and her husband were the first family to invite us over to a meal in their home. Eventually, (small world) she and FH became co-workers…and we often got together as couples for double dates. He …