Contact details

Please know that we always contact all inquiries we receive within one business day. If for some reason, you don't get a response from us, please call us at 204.275.1045 or email us at

Conexus Counselling Pembina
105-1483 Pembina Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2C6

Phone: 1-204-275-1045

Fax: 1-204-475-7553

Send us an email, or three

Hey, I avoid calling the car mechanic to arrange for an oil change! I suspect that for most, contacting a therapist for information is far more intimidating/nerve wracking/distasteful. When you fill out the form to have us connect with you…if that's hard, well…it means you're likely feeling vulnerable…and that makes you human. It's normal to be brave and scared at the same time.

That's it, quite simply--it's human to draw deep on your courage to call the therapist.

But we welcome your email…and we will take care to honour your courage.

Please email to request an appointment or make further inquiry. If you have questions about how we might help you with your situation, or about the counselling process, please let us know, and we'll do our best to respond. If you are wanting to book an appointment, you may wish to provide some preferred days or a time of day that you would like. You are welcome to phone us during regular business hours.

Please ensure that you push "Send Message" at the bottom of the form. If you don't hear a reply within one business day, then somehow we didn't get your message.  We always reply within one business day.

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