Hope in the darkness at Christmas

Today is the shortest day of the year.  The day of the year with the most darkness–just a few days before Christmas. The day I know annually as “So low down is up” day. I suspect that for many, it is fitting that day that feels bleakest and is, indeed, the darkest, falls around Christmas. …

Pink socks are an expression of solidarity and support to my Junior Tribe Member whose mother died from breast cancer.

Socks of Love

My youngest Junior Tribe Member is my son.  He does refer to me as a parent, which I totally love.  I am not his mother.  His mother died. Out of respect for his mother, he wears pink shoes. Bright pink runners on the court. When his coach told him last year to make them less …

The lunch that started something beautiful

I will always remember Sunday lunch of the August long weekend with special fondness. It was the start of a somethin-somethin with Husband and I…though it wasn’t nearly the start of our romance. Husband’s wife, Car had died in late winter. In the months leading to her death, I had asked Car’s sister of how she …

Expansion of life through loss

Exactly two dozen years ago today was the very worst day of my entire life. No, that’s not melodramatic. That’s the absolute truth. That was the day that I found out that the little, precious lives inside of me had ended. Mine may as well have ended too…or so I thought at the time. I had …


Salted caramel cupcakes Chicago mix popcorn (cheddar cheese popcorn and caramel popcorn mixed) Salted caramel chocolate bar It’s only been in recent years that I have discovered these wonders of these decadent treats.  It wasn’t that long ago when I would have thought that sprinkling seasalt on a dessert was utterly disgusting. And then I …

Borderland: The Excruciating Wait

We don’t have a by-line for Jonathan Scrivens on the blog…he wrote this. He and I were talking one day and he spoke about the living agony of awaiting his child’s birth these days–the waiting, the unknown.  So often, when people write, they write from the perspective of the ending…after it is over.  They write …

Waves up on waves

My mom had back surgery this week. After years of crippling pain, she made it to the top of the list, and had major back surgery. We believe that this launches her into a new lease on life!! She’s walking straighter and more comfortably even just a few days.  It’s remarkable what modern medicine can …

Surf lessons

I love the ocean. I love the sounds of the waves, and the vastness of the sea.  I love how small it makes me feel…the things I fuss about melt away when I am reminded of how big the world really is. I travelled to the ocean recently. The ability to travel to the ocean, …

SLDIU: Husband’s Anniversary

Today is the longest night of the year.  The day with the least amount of sunlight. 25 years ago today, Husband married his first love.  With a wink and a smile, he liked to tell people that he loved getting married on the day with the longest night. Car would generally blush, and giggle a …