Photo credit: Trinity Western University Trinity Western University Men’s Volleyball team won the national finals this weekend. They are the top university volleyball team in the country this week…and 6 weeks ago they were struggling to make the playoffs. They have a young team–only one athlete was in his final year. They got to a …
Leadership, Loyalty, and My Very Good Luck
Preface…I (Carolyn) wrote recently about the great team I work with every day at Bergen and Associates Counselling…and I used a story of Lindsey as an example of the quality of people I interact with. A solid team of therapists that supports and builds each other up, makes for better therapy for clients, I think. …
Affirmation: You’re Good Trouble
I love my work. I love it for lots of reasons that I’ve written about before–the clients I see humble me with their courage and stun me with their growth. I am often surprised by joy as we work through the difficult stuff of life. I also love it because it is a place where …
Love’s Legacy
Husband and I are part of a care group…a bunch of folks who have decided to intentionally do life together. We meet for a dinner once a month. We ask each other honest questions and have candid conversations. We share of love and life and faith and care for each other. We pray for one another. …
Pursuing the Good Life Effectively
What makes for a healthy and satisfying life? What are you resolving to do in 2016? As one year closes and another begins, wouldn’t it make sense to pursue that which will have us be healthiest and most satisfied? And how do we really know what has us be most healthy and most satisfied? What …
An Open Letter to Ms. Rona Ambrose
Dear Ms. Ambrose, Wow…did you see this coming? Your role as leader of the Official Opposition? I know your party was anticipating a re-election, with Mr. Harper continuing to be Prime Minister. And now–you’re the interim leader of the Conservative party. That’s an enormous job to land in. I applaud your courage to take on …
On Changing Habits and My Relationship with Fingerpicking
A guest post by Heather Pringle, another one of my favourite colleagues in our office. Sometimes at work we get to talking about situations, and life and our lives. We have the coolest conversations: When I mentioned my finger picking to Carolyn a little while ago, it felt like a slightly risky thing to do, …

A letter to a potential client: Yep, therapy is hard
If you find this article helpful, might I invite you to consider reading the book? It’s a big decision to decide to go to therapy, and so don’t dismiss (or grab) it lightly. Make a thoughtful decision–notice your resistance and be curious about it. Work it through thoughtfully. Available on Amazon in softcover and kindle …
Hopes for Parenting in a Fast Moving World Part 1
(alternate working title: How to Slow Down and Stop Being a Jerk) From time to time I almost have myself convinced that I’m all grown up. On those occasions, I’m doing grown-up type things like voting for a prime minister, having difficult conversations with my boss**, or re-re-reading the bedtime stories my son prefers (rather than …
Visiting my husband’s wife’s grave
It wasn’t an easy decision for our experience of love after heartbreaking loss being on the national stage in the Globe and Mail. We thought long and hard about sharing this story. The back story of our decision, the picture featured in the article, and another perspective of the same shot, from an entirely different angle: Composting Heartbreak …