Hump Day Nudge: National Hug Day

Today is National Hug Day: {! social/video/youtube?url=http%3A// !} Tips for Hugging: A lot of people would love a hug…and rarely get hugging opportunities.  Be generous with offering hugs–you’ll be surprised how many people will take you up on your offer! Many people don’t get a lot of hugs in their lives and have a skin …

Hump Day Nudge: Giving the Best

Y’know how we often say in December…Wouldn’t it be nice to keep the Christmas spirit the whole year through? Y’know, that feeling we feel so powerfully between Christmas and New Year’s of:   family is important  relationships are stuff of life slowing down to spend time with friends and family is life-giving? Yeah, I say …

Hump Day Nudge: You Don’t Have to Walk Alone

I love a cappella music…voices blending together in beautiful harmony just melts me. There’s something about voices giving beauty to each other. When a voice finds its pitch in relationship to others, well…that seems exquisite to me. Voices supporting each other, adding to the others by their own unique contribution. In a cappella music, each …

Hump Day Nudge: Great Dads

“My name’s dad…and proud of it…all dads should be.” {! social/video/youtube?url=http%3A// !} I love peanut butter. But I’m not at all sure about mixing peanut butter and Cheerios. I am completely sure that this is the sort of dad that is inspiring… I think it’s something about the encouragement, empowerment, boundaries, playfulness, affirmation towards his …

Hump Day Nudge: Shake the Dust

  This stirs my soul in the way only exquisite poetry can. It pulls tears in unknowing, curious, only half understood ways with it’s pulls and turns. It somehow challenges me to grab life, to reach out hard, and run forward bravely…knowing many other also reach out terrified but brave…opening up to all life has …

Hump Day Nudge: You don’t have to try

Watching and listening and gazing into the eyes of the women in this video chokes me…it narrows my throat, and tears well up…I feel a knot when I swallow.  Somehow this video says something deep and profound and wonderful and beautiful… Don’t a lot of us try hard to be who we think others want …

Hump Day Nudge: Connections

  We are created for connection.  We are wired to belong to each other…and when that happens, something magical occurs. And when connection occur in unlikely ways and unlikely places, well, that just has me smile. I. Love. This. Video.  

Hump Day Nudge: Reality Check into being more Gentle with yourself

Through the mouths of babes… This last weekend we acknowledged those who mother us warmly and kindly and gently. Today we acknowledge those who care for us mothering types gently and kindly…who see our strengths, celebrate the beauty, and are unabashedly our cheerleaders.  They see our strengths first as they look at us through the …

Hump Day Nudge: Hugs

Hugs save lives…literally… And hugs are good for us: lower depression and anxiety increase immunity decrease blood pressure reduced pain improve quality of marriage and other relationships reduce the effects of stress Hugs take courage. Hugs are best given with permission. Hugs make the world a better place.  Hugs create connection…and we are created for …