Hump Day Nudge: Win or lose, we’re gonna be OK

I have a deep respect for the energetic wisdom of Apollos Hester. I realize this will date me, but as I watched this man, I kept thinking…”Out of the mouths of babes…” He’s hardly a toddler, but his words seem well beyond his years, even as a young adult.

He’s clearly excited after a come-from-behind win. His excitement and vigour for life are rather infectious…and sometimes, the clarity of youth can speak to all of us.

He understand the value of team.  He recognizes we belong to each other…and that we are wired for connection.  Apollos knows that people do better when other people are around.

This is a nudge to get through your day today. Aren’t nudges like this, just what we need sometimes?

Quote by Apollos Hester, high school football athlete who says, "if you fall down, just get up. If you can


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