Tuesday night was a night I was looking forward to for a loooooong time. I went to McNally Robinson Booksellers to watch one of my favourite people to present her work to the Winnipeg world. Sarah Hunter Murray was a therapist at Conexus Counselling for several years. Her specialty was always human sexuality, but mostly …

Take the Emotional Labor Quiz
If you find value this blog, you may want to read the book I wrote that includes this idea in it: Husband spent last week in Texas, along with a team of other volunteers, rebuilding a house that was destroyed in last year’s Hurricane Harvey. He has a seasonal business, and that frees him up …

To the people of Humboldt
Dear folks of Humboldt, As a therapist, I’m a person who has the tender, holy privilege and responsibility of sitting with people in the darkest circumstances of their lives. I want to acknowledge the gift you have been to all of us Canadians–even the world. Your community has let us in on your grief and pain after …
After the Championship Loss: A letter to my son
Dear Son, So many thoughts and feelings and words inside me, this morning after the night of your team’s great National Championship loss. So many things deliberately unsaid yesterday…yesterday was a day of silent comfort, sitting in the sadness with you. Words weren’t a good idea yesterday. And today, you are a couple of time …
What to do with men behaving badly
In a survey of 451 women in November of 2017: 50% of women say they have experienced sexual harassment as defined by Canada’s labour code: “any conduct, comment, gesture, or contact of a sexual nature that is likely to cause offence or humiliation to any employee; or that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by that …

A Brief Guide for Men in the Era of #MeToo and #TimesUp
Dear Male who is frightened by the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement, So, if you are man who is a little freaked out, worrying that a woman is going to accuse you of treating her badly at work or elsewhere, I’d like to be direct about what is required to increase your own sense of safety. It’s …

A letter to men freaked out by the power of #MeToo
Dear Male who is frightened by the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement, It’s not easy to be a powerful male these days, is it? So many powerful men have had successful careers and reputations destroyed in an instant. Let’s talk about it. The #MeToo movement is huge these days–so many brave women supporting each other as they …

Socks of Love
My youngest Junior Tribe Member is my son. He does refer to me as a parent, which I totally love. I am not his mother. His mother died. Out of respect for his mother, he wears pink shoes. Bright pink runners on the court. When his coach told him last year to make them less …
Does your wife impact your life?
**This blog is now a chapter in a book that expands on the ideas in this blog, Nice to a Fault: Redefining Kindness in Marriage. While it is written to women, men will receive an inside look at the struggles of women in ways that will illuminate an understanding of the issues. It might just …
Growing and Grieving…The Widower’s Club
My husband attends a Widower’s Club. Yes, FYI, I’m very much alive. 😉 He was married to Car before me. She died. And that matters. So, we consider him a widower even though he is happily married. Years ago, Husband found out on a Tuesday that Car had “days to weeks” to live. He was …