Motivated by Mercy

What game do you want to play? “Who’s right” or “Let’s make life more wonderful?” Are you choosing thoughts about who is right and who is wrong and spending valuable time and energy analyzing, judging, blaming and criticizing? …Focus on your and your… [loved one’s] needs. With this refocus, you can spend your valuable time …

A Thought

Don’t try to win over the haters. You’re not the jackass whisperer.   Scott Stratten, UnMarketing: Stop Marketing, Start Engaging This thought can bring freedom from unrealistic pressure. Think about it.

Gettin’ Hit When You’re Down

It’s hard to get a hit when you’re vulnerable. Even a soft punch hurts a lot when you’re not in a strong place. It’s been a long November for me. It was a day or so after Halloween that I got some sort of cold virus. I had the sorest throat for about three weeks. …

I forgot…

How much snow reflects the light and brightens the dark night when it lays over the browned autumn grass. How it’s so much brighter late at night when there is snow on the ground. All I was remembering was how cold the snow is and what a pain-in-the-butt it is to shovel. I forgot How …

Living on Borrowed Time

I went for a walk on Sunday…a long luxurious walk through the neighborhood looking at the front gardens and late autumn woods. I will go for walks throughout the year, and they will continue once the snow falls. Snow is forecast for this week. I had a sense that as I was walking along, enjoying …

Random Act of Culture

Every once in a while, during regular life of shopping, running errands, getting things done, meeting the busy demands of regular life, we are surprised by beauty. A moment where we are reminded of truth, where out souls have a chance to be refreshed by witnessing a moment that has us take pause, and pulls …

200 Brave Men…200 Wounded Boys

The trauma of childhood sexual abuse has too often focused on the vulnerability of girls. One in three girls is sexually abused…that’s a lot, a lot of girls. How many women do you know? Statistically, one in three has been violated. So, so many. So many lives changed, so many tears shed, so many hearts …

Getting Through IT

The answer to, “I have no idea how I am going to get through this” is: You allow yourself to sob, to heave, to feel as if your heart has a boulder crashing through it. You sit with your father. You listen to his sorrow. YOu get help from your friends. And you notice that …

The Parts

For many of us, it’s very busy in our heads…multiple conversations internally with different parts of ourselves: We have one part express a fear–say, for example over having a conversation with someone–say about financies with your spouse. Another part logically goes through why it doesn’t make sense to have that fear, and runs though all …

Correct or Connect?

Is it your intention to connect or to correct? Parents who can define their parenting purpose or intention can help meet children’s vital needs, including stability, security, safety and guidance. What is your purpose of intention? To correct and manage your children or to connect with and enjoy them? For one week, count the number …