Don’t rain on my parade

I love when art imitates life.  I love watching a 16 year old girl say its her dream to sing, and as she starts singing, “Don’t rain on my parade”…guess what…Simon Cowell rains on her parade.  He pours monsoons over it, drenching her parade soaking wet. And I love how she lives her song. She’s …

The Five Regrets of the Dying/The Five Opportunities for the Living

Chatting about this with Dahlia on CJOB today…we have choices that we will have to live with for the rest of our lives.  Why not invest some time in finding out how those who are dying wished they chose differently? From our series: Opportunity #1: Authenticity …to challenge the possibility of the first regret:  I …

Hump Day Nudge: Shake the Dust

  This stirs my soul in the way only exquisite poetry can. It pulls tears in unknowing, curious, only half understood ways with it’s pulls and turns. It somehow challenges me to grab life, to reach out hard, and run forward bravely…knowing many other also reach out terrified but brave…opening up to all life has …

Hump Day Nudge: You don’t have to try

Watching and listening and gazing into the eyes of the women in this video chokes me…it narrows my throat, and tears well up…I feel a knot when I swallow.  Somehow this video says something deep and profound and wonderful and beautiful… Don’t a lot of us try hard to be who we think others want …

Engagement at Work

Work? Do you like it? According to American research (and I’m not sure Canada would be far different on this one), only 30% of employees find themselves engaged at work. Yikes!   “For most of us…work is a depleting, dispiriting experience.” Schwartz and Porath Two ways in which I connect with this: 1. I remember …