All for a Loveless Night

  She spends her night alone Crying for what he had done Had broken her heart for good Hardly believing that he could throw it …. All for a loveless night Only one careless night He finds himself losing through it all All for a loveless night Steve Bell All for a Loveless Night   …

Old and New Ponderings

Many will have spent more time in the last week with family than you have in months.   Some of those times will be rich and wonderful…and you want to just figure out how to bottle it to imbibe in that spirit of closeness, intimacy, giggles and hugs in the months to come Some of …

TDC…It’s not so bad!

Roshonna Plett has been facilitating the anger management group…Transforming Destructive into Constructive for a couple of years now. Roshonna knows that most folks don’t pick an Anger Management group course out of pleasant interest…like one might take a course on cake decorating or investing wisely or improving your swing.  Folks take this course cuz the …

Christmas–the gift of raw honesty

To be truly, authentically, raw-ly honest is a gift that I have come to appreciate and value as something that is treasured and precious and connecting…and rare. When it happens, there is something almost painful about it…because one’s most innermost thoughts are rarely easy or pretty. But it is beautiful. And poignant. And rare. And …

So Low that Down is Up

In an odd sort of way, this day I look forward to annually…December 21st.  I’ve blogged about it before…here in 2008, here in 2009, here in 2010, and here in 2011. It’s the day that is the symbol for me of relief…when something has reached it’s extreme and after that it can only get better Because …


Espy got her first flower and is well on her way to the second! I walked into the office on Monday morning, and there Melanie, Nadia and Roshonna were by the desk talking.  When I walked in the room, they quickly pointed to Espy… And.  My. Jaw. Dropped. First…her bloom came quicker than I had …

Espy…growing, growing, and yup, growing some more

Espy is knocking our socks off.  I realize she isn’t the first amaryllis to grow in the manner she has, but she’s ours, and she’s the one we watch…and she’s amazing. She grew from 41.6 last week to a stunning 59.5 cm in 7 days. Thats about 18 cm in a week. More than 2.5 …

Heavy hearts…and perspective

The tragic loss of lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut has stirred many people deeply…in a variety of ways.  We see grieving parents and identify with the loss, school children wonder about safety and have fears as the vulnerability of life becomes very real, and others rise up in anger at injustice …

Melodious Creativity

Has me be grateful for what I have…makes me think twice about wanting “more”…has me honor and admire those who create beauty and loveliness out of nothing, has me be inspired to create joy out what I find right immediately around me, convinced that it is totally possible…   Wow!