Hump Day Nudge: Connections

  We are created for connection.  We are wired to belong to each other…and when that happens, something magical occurs. And when connection occur in unlikely ways and unlikely places, well, that just has me smile. I. Love. This. Video.  

Engagement at Work

Work? Do you like it? According to American research (and I’m not sure Canada would be far different on this one), only 30% of employees find themselves engaged at work. Yikes!   “For most of us…work is a depleting, dispiriting experience.” Schwartz and Porath Two ways in which I connect with this: 1. I remember …

Walking with the Pain of Infertility

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week in Canada. Infertility is a special sort of pain… …and it’s often minimized and misunderstood.  When a parent has a child who dies, there is a funeral, and public mourning, and a collective grief that surrounds the family.  We know as a community that the death of a …

FAQ’s about OCD

What is OCD? OCD is the acronym for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Let’s break it down into it’s component parts: Obsessions are thoughts/feelings/urges/images that are intrusive and unwanted that won’t go away. They are painful, bothersome and troubling. They are disturbing for sure: often in content, and in persistence. Disturbing content are things like:   a …

Hump Day Nudge: Reality Check into being more Gentle with yourself

Through the mouths of babes… This last weekend we acknowledged those who mother us warmly and kindly and gently. Today we acknowledge those who care for us mothering types gently and kindly…who see our strengths, celebrate the beauty, and are unabashedly our cheerleaders.  They see our strengths first as they look at us through the …

The power of love

I think sometimes moms get caught up in the hoopla of the research of how to stimulate children’s brains, what to feed kids, how much screen time to allow, how to develop math skills, have the children learn a second or third language, how much physical activity/sleep/playdates etc. to have…and forget what is most important …