A Tribute–To Those Who Raise Us Up

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To those who raise us up so we can stand on mountains:

The mom who wears the handmade beaded jewelry from Mother’s Day all year long

The teacher who tells the kid in the back of the room who has long ago learned that she “doesn’t have the stuff” that he thinks the kid should try out for the lead in the school play

The newly engaged woman who blogs this about her fianc e: Love is: “someone hugging you and you can tell that how hard they’re holding you is as much as they want you to feel that they love you, or that they’re sad you’re sad, or that they’re happy you’re happy. and it’s knowing that when you hug them you’re trying to convey the same message.”

To those who raise us up so we can walk on stormy seas:

To the young couple who slips a newly single mom a large cheque as a ridiculous act of generosity…giving her hope of someone who cares, and ensuring there will be groceries purchased and bills paid for that first awful and terrifying month alone.

To the therapist who was the first reliable man in a client’s life–who listened to her without any other purpose that wanting to hear what she had to say. That changed her forever—she’s better able to face life’s challenges.

To a blogger who is willing to share her ongoing story of supporting a son with multiple health challenges—and then allows us the privilege to let us in on the tragedy when her son dies—her strength in her stormy seas gives courage to others as they face theirs


To those raise us up to more than we can be:

To a man who, while not be biologically related to a child (who has a workaholic father), but at an emotional level becomes a dad to him because there is something that the man sees in the kid that is irresistable–and the boy can feel it and relaxes into the love of the relationship

To the boss who says, “I’m not going to sign the deal. You’re gonna handle this one on your own. I believe in you.”

To the coach who finds ways of squeezing one more kid onto the team, knowing how much it will mean, and finds ways to play her—including taking the shot to win the game.

To those who challenge us, inspire us, believe in us, love us—Thank you for raising us up.

We are more than we were, more than we might have thought we could be…because of you.

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