The Daring Way ™

I can remember the moment, fundamentally, my perspective changed. Years, ago, I began dancing with a limp…I birthed the most beautiful, perfect little boys you could imagine…they were born silently.  No screaming or crying.  Ever. I was heartbroken.  Heck, I was just plain broken. Period. My dream of having children, a life long passionate dream, …

Best tip: Reconnect when you notice disconnection

Find ways to reconnect emotionally when you notice a disconnection. Sounds obvious, huh? Well, it is, right now, because you’re not steamed, not feeling resentful, guilty, angry, or frustrated. And so you aren’t defensive, belligerent, argumentative, fearful, attacking or withdrawing. Relationships seem so obvious and easy when you’re calm and reading blogs, aren’t they? Not …

Terrified courage

Folks that run into a burning building to rescue a child are regarded as brave heroes.  And we often think of brave heroes as folks who fearlessly do very dangerous things. I’m thinking that anybody that enters a burning building without fear isn’t brave…I would think that’s more like a special kind of stupid. That’s …

Oprah Lifeclass with Brené Brown

Several weeks ago, I went to Oprah’s Lifeclass.  I felt like I was living “on the edge” to plan a trip to Chicago on short notice and be in the studio audience of a nationally televised show. Not my usual style to do something so impulsive, crazy…and wildly fun…but  I’m learning to tolerate higher levels …

Emotional Eating-FAQ’s

I’ll be talking with Dahlia Kurtz about emotional eating tomorrow on CJOB in the afternoon.  A great topic…something that affects so very many of us.  I’m not sure we get a lot of folks coming to the counselling office saying, “Help me, I eat too much”…but we get a ton of folks that are struggling …

Creative parenting impacts powerfully

I’ve developed a fondness for discovering creative ways to implement non-violent resistance…non violent resistance being understood as strategies to resist things that aren’t right, but doing so in ways that don’t accuse or shame or manipulate or humiliate or harm another. Non violent resistance can be dangerous and requires courage.  I saw the movie, Lee …

Asking for Help Part 2

My travelling buddy for my Oprah Lifeclass adventure in Chicago last week, J, is quite simply, a force. J and I sat in on the taping of two episodes featuring Dr. Brene Brown…and it was a moving experience for the audience…most of us caregiver types. Being J’s friend is a little risky and a lot …