Let’s talk: Internet Porn

Let’s be honest…it’s the epidemic no one talks about…but shapes our culture more than we care to admit. The availability of pornography on the internet is staggering…the ease with which anybody can access pictures of a pornographic nature is frighteningly easy. It’s an unspoken factor in many relationships…women feel ugly and fat and unloved when …

Nuts and Bolts of TDC

I sat down with Roshonna Plett the other day and asked her to talk through what it’s like to be at TDC (Transforming Destructive into Constructive) Anger Management at Bergen and Associates. Roshonna gives a few snapshots about people’s experiences at TDC and then also provides an outline of what the two evenings cover.   …

The Dance of Attunement

This video had me mesmerized.  Watch it for the beauty, for the awesome dance of the thousands of birds coordinating in some sort of unspoken synchronicity of wings flapping.  Of silent communication, give and take, leading and following seamlessly.  Imagine the silent teamwork that is pulled off in the magic:   I’ve been thinking about …

The One Thing…

…is hopefully that people can try to take away, I guess, is the relationships they have with people…when you ask someone how they are doing, do you really mean it? When you answer someone back how you’re doing, are you really telling the truth?… We live in a society of social networks and twitter pages …

Espy’s hope grows!

Espy’s, our resident symbol of hope, continues to be in our face with her cheerful optimism…she has once again almost doubled in size…she’s over 22 cm now…growing more than a centimetre and a half per day.  When folks see her after being out of the office for a couple of days, there is a visible …

The balance bar

Permeable and porous…not wide open, nor shut tight. Sigh… …so not easy. I wrote recently of the challenges and the richness of “both/and” living…embracing the joys and sorrows of life simultaneously. It’s easier to be “either/or”…a Pollyanna or an Eeyore…but being stuck in one posture leaves little flexilibility to be both joyful and authentic, to …

Condemnation does not liberate

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. I’ve had a few conversations lately with people who want to be closer to a spouse, and so they complain bitterly to them about how they aren’t home enough and no surprise, they aren’t home more after that want a teenage child to be less obnoxious and disrespectful, and …