We are hard wired for connection…we need other people in our lives like we need oxygen. Some time ago, Jian Ghomeshi, the host of Q, interviewed an author, Mazier Bahari, a journalist who was imprisoned in Iran in 2009. There was a line in his interview that has stuck in my brain since…I went online to …
Hump Day Nudge: Loneliness
We are created for relationship. Pure and simple. A video on loneliness hardly seems like a little boost to get a person through the week, I know. But this is beautiful, clever, and the graphics say just what the voice does, ever so eloquently. Ironically, it just feels like something a person should share with …

A letter to the man on the bridge
And so, man-on-the bridge, I’ve been thinking about you for days. Hoping that if you were contemplating if life was worth living, that someone acted on their courage and let you know that they noticed you, and that you mattered.
Asking for help Part 1
I had a blast on Monday at the taping of Oprah’s lifeclass with Dr. Brene Brown. Oprah and Brene are both witty, smart, engaging women who create interesting and engaging conversation. The tapings flew by. The audience had about 150 people..and to be honest, we weren’t there to see Oprah (though, to be equally honest, …
Shatter the Silence by saying, “I suffer from depression”
There are some 19 year olds that have wisdom beyond their years. Kevin Breel is one of them. He is a courageous young man who told a TEDx audience and now over half a million other folks on YouTube that he has depression. He does so loudly, courageously and boldly …in order to challenge the …
So, last fall, I had a friend that life had burned badly…a nasty divorce, a bad job situation, heartbreak with her children…I could go on. She lives out of province, and I cared, but living so far away it was hard to know what to do. She and I have been close: we share quotes …
Hump Day Nudge: Furry Love
I’m not what most would call a crazy, passionate animal lover. But… last night, I followed a three year old around for most of an evening on a beautiful spring day as we gently tiptoed behind a rabbit to see how close he would let us get…up and over and around three different yards, …
Courage to stand up and walk over
Won’t you stand up and use your voice? There are a lot of folks who are depressed and struggling and anxious and lonely and desperately in need of connection…who are curled up on the inside (and maybe or maybe not on the outside) and would so benefit from another coming alongside. {! admin/html?id=a48d0e75ba205d3e954c26f13596dec0 !} For …
The unspeakable loss that must be spoken
My nephew’s best friend ended his life last week. The fellow he travelled Europe with. They were in a band together. Sometimes, they talked long into the night. They understood each other like no one else. They ate pizza. They played video games. They went skating. They hung out. They did normal stuff that young …
Depression…a Big Black Dog
Depression is a misunderstood condition. If you’ve been very sad, grieved hard, been “down in the dumps” or “felt blue” but not actually depressed, you might think you get it. And if you think you get it because you’ve been very sad for several days, you may be unintentionally dismissive of the experience of a …