I posted this on Facebook a few days ago… I loved this quote because it reminds me of Kristin Neff’s work on self compassion…Self compassion includes these components, and this poster picks up particularly on the last one: Self kindness: “When I mess up, do I talk to myself like I talk to someone I …
Why men hide their truest selves
This blog post is not for the faint of heart. While it is not intended to offend, I suspect that it will make some folks uncomfortable. The following video starts off with offensive language. It’s not cool. It’s a short video, though and if you stop watching it before the end of it’s 2 minute …

The Betrayal of Disengagement
If this blog interests you, you might want to grab a copy of my book that includes this idea in one of the chapters. It is the second, enhanced edition of the popular My marriage is almost dead and my husband doesn’t get it. Available in kindle or paperback form on Amazon: Disengagement…the silent, slippery …
Hump Day Nudge: Falling Floyd
A few weeks ago, I was leading The Daring Way ™ workshop over the weekend. One of the participants recommended the video Falling Floyd…an animated movie that essentially depicts what it is like to long for connection…feel rejected, and then what it is like to carry the shame gremlins that create pain and destruction. It’s …
Wholehearted Living
Yesterday was one of those days…chaotically full. It was the last “Advanced Communication Skills” class with my class of Occupational Therapy students and I figger they don’t get much fun in their lives…actually, they really don’t get any time at all to have fun…so as a closing activity we played this game called “Bite the …

A Life Plumb Line–DIY!
Let’s start off with saying that this is my first DIY blog post…I’ve written over 700 posts and not one of them is a Do It Yourself. But I pulled off a project recently…I mentioned this memory book recently at a couple of workshops and presentations I led to illustrate a point, people asked if they …
Secret sharing
As a therapist, I am likely in a relatively unique position to be an authority on this having witnessed this more times than I can count: The weight of a secret can be staggering. being abused as a child having an alcoholic in the family repeating a grade as a child having an affair …
100 days of no dessert Part 2
In Part 1, I explained why I started this crazy adventure of no desserts, sweets, or chocolate…a matter of integrity…if I’m gonna work with clients as they bravely confront their numbing behaviours, I better step up and enter the same arena myself! I was going to treat this sugar-comfort-numbing thing like an addiction. Because I needed wanted …
Grateful for Gratitude
Refreshed and presented again from our archives…some ideas are just worth repeating! If you knew of a strategy that could make your teen 15% more satisfied with their lives, 15% greater sense of meaning in their lives, 17% more happy and hopeful, and have 13% drop in negative emotions as well as 15% drop in …
100 days of no dessert Part 1
There are all sorts of reasons I find enormous value and joy in being a therapist. One of those reasons is the personal enrichment I gain from watching courageous people take risks in talking about areas of their life most people don’t even let themselves think about. I get a front row seat to courageous …