Carolyn's Mistake. A blog about what I decided to do about a big expensive mistake I made.

A Mistake?

As I was going to bed on a Friday night a few weeks ago, it was quiet, and my mind lazily drifted back over the day. My mind went back to an email I had received earlier in the day, outlining next week’s schedule for Courage Camp, a conference for Certified Daring Way Facilitators.  I love delivering …

Self Compassion 101

Note: Time and date change to November 15, 6 pm-9 pm due to popular demand   If you talked to a friend like you talked to yourself, would you have any friends left? Many days, if I spoke to my friends with the same words and tone I use inside my head, it would not …

Stories of Husband Part 2

Husband loves stories.  I love stories.  I think that’s one of the many reasons we are good together.  We love to listen and tell stories.  And we love to challenge ourselves to live a better story. One of the reasons we got to walking long before we were a somethin’-somethin’ was I liked to walk …

Experiencing the Roots of Empathy

Question: What does a relationship therapist do when she is on maternity leave? Answer: She takes her baby to volunteer at an elementary school to help youngsters learn about empathy and emotions! Over the last 10 months I have been taking my daughter to visit a grade 4-5 split classroom in the Seine River School Division as …

The Zen Of Rejection

As parents we get a lot of practice in the art of being rejected: No, our children don’t want to put on their boots. No they don’t want to go on the family picnic to the stone quarry. No, they do not appreciate the $100 of hard earned money you just dropped on year end …