You know those times which none of us want to admit having, but we all do. The ones where we are glad the windows are shut and the curtains drawn because there exists a side of us we’d just rather not admit to anyone? Yeah, Sabrina Friesen had one of those mornings. Today. Sabrina is …
Skipper and the Problem
Skipper was my husband’s dog before I knew him. She was one of those hunting-type dogs…the kind that can and needs to run for many miles. An odd sort of dog to choose to have in the city, but they loved her. The family still occasionally tells a Skipper story…and recently related a new one …
An Open Letter to Ms. Rona Ambrose
Dear Ms. Ambrose, Wow…did you see this coming? Your role as leader of the Official Opposition? I know your party was anticipating a re-election, with Mr. Harper continuing to be Prime Minister. And now–you’re the interim leader of the Conservative party. That’s an enormous job to land in. I applaud your courage to take on …

A letter to a potential client: Yep, therapy is hard
If you find this article helpful, might I invite you to consider reading the book? It’s a big decision to decide to go to therapy, and so don’t dismiss (or grab) it lightly. Make a thoughtful decision–notice your resistance and be curious about it. Work it through thoughtfully. Available on Amazon in softcover and kindle …
The Hidden Destruction of Inverse Scorekeeping
I read Donald Miller’s Scary Close book late last fall…and it was one of the best books I’d read in a long time. It was funny and clever and engaging, and all about relationships, my favourite topic. Y’know it’s a good book, when months after it’s been read, it comes back to bite you in …
Grab hope!
I snapped this photo late last summer–I’m a complete pushover for a rainbow…the camera (at least when I hold it) doesn’t begin to capture the beauty or the enormity of a rainbow. People stopped in awe to stare at the magnificence of this rainbow. Total strangers gathered and stood together in wonder looking at …