Precious Mind, Precious Child

If you’re late for work and your young child refuses to put on her shoes, what happens in your brain? Do you think, “If I don’t get her shoes on, we’ll be late getting out the door. If we’re late getting out the door, I’ll be late getting her to daycare. And I’ll be late …

Hope for Parenting in a Fast-Moving World Part 3

Alternate Working Title: Slow Down, Tune In, Be There Here’s a sad fact: Your kids might not feel your love deep in their bones. No matter how much you do for them, or how much you tell them you love them, they might not feel it. How can we expect them to feel our love? …

Hope for Parenting in a Fast-Moving World Part 2

(alternate working title: Perspective Taking: Is Parenting a Chore or a Challenge?) An ongoing periodic parenting series by our own Lindsey Walsh… Let’s talk more about Tuning In and Reading our Children’s Signals. But before we start reading their signals we have to start by hearing our own inner-signals. What signals do you give yourself? …

Hopes for Parenting in a Fast Moving World Part 1

(alternate working title: How to Slow Down and Stop Being a Jerk) From time to time I almost have myself convinced that I’m all grown up. On those occasions, I’m doing grown-up type things like voting for a prime minister, having difficult conversations with my boss**, or re-re-reading the bedtime stories my son prefers (rather than …

Comforting Power of a Parent

So,  parenting is hard, eh?  Brutal. Some days, you gotta wonder if all your efforts matter.  If you matter. Some days, we as parents mess up, screw up, yell too much, micro manage, over-parent, under-parent, can’t-play-dressy-up-even-one-more-time, or use the screen as a babysitter in an all together unsatisfying way. But we always got something our …