Do we know how to sit in pain, discomfort, uncertainty and confusion? Uh…that’s a hard one. Do we want to know? Nope…that’s an easy one. No. Do we have a choice? Sigh…that’s an easy one too. No choice, nope. There was a time in my life years ago, when I was in a dark place…my …
L’il Espy
A big snowfall may be coming on outside…the driving is gonna be rough, our world will be white until spring, it’s gonna be tricky to get around for months…but Espy reminds us that there is hope. There is life. There is goodness. There is beauty… …even in the midst of a cold dark season…but we …
If I had a dollar for every time someone apologized to me for crying, I just might be able to retire as independently wealthy. Crying is so often seen as a sign of weakness, or something to feel bad about…like somehow watching someone cry might be offensive to me. It seems almost automatic for most …
11 years since 9-11
The day North Americans learned what it was like to feel terror; to grieve for fathers, sons, wives, sisters…friends of friends of friends; to understand how it changes the world when buildings are randomly destroyed with so many inside. Innocent lives lost, other innocent lives forever changed. Use the time of the video to remember …
A Complicated Beautiful
Today was a day. It started this morning early–literally at the crack of dawn. The phone rang, and I groggily reached for it in the semi-darkness. When the phone rings at that hour, you know it can’t be good. She’s gone. We knew the end was coming, and the past couple of weeks it seemed …
Dancing with a limp today
Today the skies are cloudy and grey…and for me, it is fitting. This is the day of visiting the grave, and remembering what might have been. An annual day of sadness that is as much a part of my life as Christmas and birthdays. Some years it has a gut wrenching quality to it…other years, …
Injustice and Wounding
Life isn’t fair. No big surprise…but somehow when life shows us how unfair it is…it’s still something to wrap one’s head around it. This is my bumper’s new look: It happened last week…I ran errands, stopped here and there, spent some time in various places…and at the last stop of the night, when I walked …
The Facets of Grief
…frankly, “I miss him” just doesn’t cut it. That’s like a desperate, starving person saying, “I guess I wouldn’t mind a little snack.” When I say, “I miss him,” it makes me snaky inside because those limp, colourless words in no way reflect the enormous scope or the complex detail of what I feel. So …
Joy Lost in Anticipation
One of the things I have always loved doing is walking knee deep in orange and yellow colored leaves…all the different shades of color that so vibrantly color the path in front of me can almost take my breath away. However, as beautiful as they are, it’s hard for me to truly enjoy the beauty …

Tears Keep Falling
New York was the highlight of my 10 day trip to the Eastern Seaboard in 2011. 9/11 and Ground Zero were never very far from discussion it seemed as we chatted with tour guides and local New Yorkers. It takes very little to get a New Yorker to talk about where they were on that …