Wasn’t washed away

I have three Junior Tribe Members that don’t live with me.  On Monday, one of those JTM’s came over for supper…we caught up as we ate our meal, made snickerdoodles together–one scooping cookie dough while the other rolled the balls in the cinnamon sugar–and then watched the final game of the Stanley Cup playoffs. I …

Necessary losses

We know, as parents, from the moment we give birth to a child, that this precious being is only entrusted to us for a time. I knew one day that my child would leave.  I knew that in my head…but didn’t ever think about facing the reality with my heart. We raise our children with …

A letter to Car: me

Dear Carolyn, A letter to Carolyn, from Carolyn.  That can sorta catch people off guard, including me. Why do we have to have the same name?!! It’s wonderful to be in love and getting married. I’m loving my life, excited about my future, and planning details of a wedding to the man of my dreams. …

A letter to Car: Your friends

Dear Carolyn, Life is messy, isn’t it?  Exquisitely so, maybe…but exquisitely messy. My marriage to your husband, I think, is a classic example. Even that sentence, sounds odd, doesn’t it? Let me explain. At your service, your love of packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child was mentioned several times. Your husband said that you imagined …

A letter to Car: Your kids

Dear Carolyn, They wore red. Each of them. Their shirt or in their tie. It was your favorite color and one of the many ways they honored your memory that day. I remember them walking in to the church and down the aisle to the the front, all slow and somber and dressed up. They cleaned up real …

A letter to Car: Your husband

Dear Carolyn, I remember coming back to the office in the afternoon after I attended your funeral and told Melanie, “It was beautiful how he loved her. He spoke so well of her. He spoke to his sons about who she was in a remarkable way that taught us all a little about what makes …

A letter to Car: You

Dear Carolyn, It’s odd isn’t it?  The name, “Carolyn” isn’t very common, particularly with our spelling.  And yet we share it, just as we now share the same man as our love. What is even odder was that we shared the same profession. There’s not many of us Carolyn’s that are Occupational Therapists.  I avoided …

A small light in a big darkness

Today is my annual so-low-that-down-is-up day–I blog about it every year (here in  2010, 2011, 2012, 2013). The day when we have the least amount of light, and the most amount of darkness.  The day that launches a time when the days will only have more light than the day before. More light is coming…just …

Redemptive Suffering

Sometimes a conference is just a conference. Sometimes, a conference pokes pretty deep. Today–well, I got poked. Deep. I attended the Storyline Conference this week, hosted by Donald Miller.  He has written one of my favourite books, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years…something I wrote about several times almost 3 years ago when I …


Join me in a little experiment? Get comfortable.  Shake out your arms and legs.  Take a couple of deep breaths. Check to see if your shoulders are relaxed. Breath in and out again slowly. And spend a long minute simply noticing this picture, and also notice what you notice about this picture: What did you …