The Sparkle in the Pit

This is not a fancy metaphor about looking up, this is not like “how life is”, this is not me making something bad all cheerful in a way that denies the crap of life. I think that there are times when the cup is not half full, and there is no bright side. It doesn’t …

Gettin’ Hit When You’re Down

It’s hard to get a hit when you’re vulnerable. Even a soft punch hurts a lot when you’re not in a strong place. It’s been a long November for me. It was a day or so after Halloween that I got some sort of cold virus. I had the sorest throat for about three weeks. …

Beauty of a Painful Honesty

There is subtle but real pressure to be “fine” when we are asked how we are. To respond with social politeness that we’re “OK”. To not acknowledge the stresses and pain of life. It’s socially acceptable to be “busy” or “stressed” but not “struggling” or “down”. I’m not sure that pressure is purely a cultural …

National Encouragement Day

Today is “National Encouragement Day”…at least in the United States…but I’m thinkin’ it might not be such a bad idea for Canada, too. Hey, if you and I know about it, and we each encourage two people today, well, maybe that will impact them, and give them strength to go on to encourage two others, …

Falling Down Without the Strength to Get Back Up

I’ve never met a bitter person who was thankful, Or a thankful person who was bitter Nick Vujicic I was sent the below video last week from a colleague of mine out of province, a psychologist whom I respect. He talked about how his son was struggling with some significant challenges in his life which …

Bumblebees can’t fly?

Apparently, using the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees can’t create sufficient lift with their wings to lift their bodies. But, bumblebees can fly. Clearly they can fly. Apparently, the approach was all wrong. If you look at them like helicopters, rather than airplanes, science can prove that they can, in fact, fly. Funny how science had …

Being Who You Were Born To Be

The sparkling light in someone’s eyes and a relaxed smile is one of the most beautiful sights in all humankind…to see someone relaxed and enjoying the world being in their own skin is captivating and enlivening for others to watch. Susan Boyle, the youngest of a large family, survived a brain injury at birth and …

Dance, Joy, Unity

There’s something about dance that elicits joy. Something about moving together in rhythm that even when a common language isn’t shared, the beauty of moving together unites people with smiles and laughter. Something about someone dancing badly that gives license to those around to feel comfortable to join in. I may be one of the …

Unexpected Inspiration

Inspiration can come at the strangest times in unexpected places. I was at Pita Pit yesterday to grab a Falafel pita (on whole wheat with spinach and hummus–yum!) to share. The pita maker was a tall, thin young woman in her late was severly assymmetrical–brush cut on one side, and long on the other …

Manitoba Marathon 2010

Sigh. Yesterday was the Manitoba Marathon. And I wasn’t in it. Next year. The Manitoba Marathon is an annual Father’s Day tradition that I LOVE. I’m not a full marathoner, but I have loved meeting the challenge of a half marathon. I had to pull out of the half last year because of a toe injury, …