“Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit”. Peter Ustinov (b. 1921), British actor, writer, director. Christian Science Monitor (Boston, 9 Dec. 1958).
High school—A retrospective redo of memories
The high school reunion is over…but what fun we had. Highlights from my perspective: Major belly laughs. The things we did, the fun we had—from the perspective that the distance of years creates, the antics of youth seem quite silly indeed. There were practical jokes that even now seemed truly clever, but much of it …
Being Aware of Beauty
Sometimes the focus on the destination has us missing the beauty of the present: Joshua Bell is a renowned American violinist. His concerts regularly sell out because of the public’s desire to hear his music. He is playing on a violin worth millions of dollars. And… only a few stopped to listen. When I saw …
The memories of high school
Tomorrow is my high school reunion. Hard to believe all those years have gone by since high school. I was asked to pray a blessing for the meal, and so this morning during my run, I thought about the ways in which my life was blessed in my high school experience. A few stood out: …
An effective strategy for gangs.
David Kennedy, a researcher in New York has a simple plan to reduce gang crime by 50%. WOW! And it’s not putting people in jail. That doesn’t work. He was interviewed by CBC this morning. The plan, in a nutshell, is this: Reps from the local gangs are invited to a meeting (it’s not hard …
When God closes a door, He opens a window
Maria’s line from the Sound of Music has often intrigued me, sometimes frustrated me in its seeming naivete, and sometimes has me humbled with it’s truth. I was running along today listening to a podcast describing a couple’s adventure on a tandem bike. They biked hundred of miles across the country. He was blind, but …
Holding the complexities of life
I often learn more by watching, observation, and experience, than by hearing a principle being taught. This week I’ve watched and learned about the incredible ability to hold life’s experience in balance and tension. I’ve admired people as, several times this week, I’ve witnessed individuals being able to hold both tragedy, struggle, joy and delight …
Therapy as a Biological Treatment
I was reading on the Psychology Today website about a recent study that measured the effectiveness of therapy with clients. PET (positive emission tomography) scans can differentiate the alterations in brain function between clients struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and control subjects, who do not have OCD. Scientists measured the changes in PET scans …
Being Treasured–The dream of every Cinderella
There is a little bit of Cinderella in each of us…a part that feels a little ugly, but earnestly wants to be treasured–to be highly valued by those we value. For those of you who are parents, watch this video to be reminded of the importance of treasuring each moment with your child. Remind yourself …
Barbara Walters: Struggling to Believe in Herself
I thought I’d try listening to a book on CD while I was driving in the car. The library had “Audition” by Barbara Walters I’ve been listening to Audition by Barbara Walters on CD while I’ve been driving in the car lately. I was struck by how ordinary some of her story was, even amongst …