Second Chances

I love second chances. Yesterday, I watched America’s Got Talent…cleaning and sorting in a sort of purging of my house, and using the TV show to amuse myself during the process.  I’m just not designed to be a natural organizer, but I try. And I’ll use whatever strategies I can to stick with the process. …

Hope Springs…A Therapist’s Take

I got the chance to see Hope Springs today…first chance I had to see it.  This was a movie I could hardly wait to see…the movie is about a couple engaging in intense couple counselling.  How would my field, my chosen practice that I’m so passionate about, and that I take so seriously…how would Hollywood …

Connecting with the Olympics

from Kal Barteski In our household, we’ve had a long standing tradition of a simple supper on Sunday nights in front of the TV…which means one day a week we giggle together over something that we can converse over…like “America’s Got Talent”, or “Undercover Boss”.  The other six days we sit around a table and …

LTCAM and us–Good Neighbors

When we moved into 1483 Pembina about 15 months ago, we were strangers in the building.  The other tenants in the building were friendly and welcomed us…but I’m not sure I knew to expect much more than an occasional “hi” as we passed in the hallway. We’ve gotten to know some of our neighbours cuz …

John Gottman on Anderson Cooper

John Gottman was recently on Anderson Cooper’s show and there was some great stuff talked about that highlighted some of the practical applications of his scientific research Gottman is a well respected couple’s relationship researcher who can predict with 94% accuracy whether a couple will get divorced by looking, over the course of about 3 …

A Brave Mama Calls

Got an email from a dear friend, Nellie * yesterday…and she told me of how she had spoken with her son that day. No big deal for many moms…but for this mama, it was a once in lifetime experience….literally. Nellie received an email from her son who she has not seen in 36 years…she released …

Make Mistakes

Like many folks this time of year, I was attending high school graduation festivities last week. The speaker at one of the events quoted C.S. Lewis in his speech: I loved the endorsement to fall…the expectation that falling is necessary. What I particularly loved was how the student themselves reinforced this principal, unwittingly as they …

Evening sessions now available downtown

Evening counselling sessions work for people…lots of folks work during regular weekday office hours, and so it makes sense that when potential clients call for counselling, they want evening or weekend times for therapy. For many people, daytime sessions are just simply not an option. So, we’ve responded to the shortage of evening sessions by …