First World Problem

Winnipeg has a new garbage removal system.  To say it hasn’t gone so well, is sorta like saying the Pope is a little bit Catholic. So, around our house this is the score:  The recycling hasn’t been picked up in two weeks…yard waste for three weeks.  There is only so much yard waste that is …

One of those moments

Every once in a while, life collides to create a “moment”…today was one of those days. I had a groupon for the Caramel Crepery at the Forks…and so we went for crepes today at lunchtime…one of the group heard that Red Bull Stratos was happening…Felix Baumgartner was attempting to break the sound barrier as an …

Condemnation does not liberate

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses. I’ve had a few conversations lately with people who want to be closer to a spouse, and so they complain bitterly to them about how they aren’t home enough and no surprise, they aren’t home more after that want a teenage child to be less obnoxious and disrespectful, and …

Is it a problem? The fireworks are gone!

In the last of the series of 5 surprising but important life lessons that psychological research, Psychology Today looks at the value of mature deepening love. Couples can be alarmed, or wonder if they should “throw in the towel” when the hot and heavy blush of the relationship is gone. When couples go from “can’t keep …

Empowering from the Inside Out

Let’s face it…when men meet for coffee, they get their coffee, talk for 20 minutes and go home.  Why? Because they finished their coffee. When women meet for coffee, they get a steaming extra hot latte…so that it too hot to drink for 20 minutes…then they sip it glacially slowly.  When there is about 1/4 …

Lesson for Living #1 Radical Acceptance

The latest edition of Psychology Today has a key article emphasizing the fundamental importance of relationships in having any sort of healthy and satisfying life…relationships being key to overall life satisfaction, physical health, and resilience to stressors.  Relationships, are simply a key to a vitalized life. The Psycholgoy Today article, entitled Lessons for Living, outlined …