Hump Day Nudge: Making a Friend

This video is cute and fun…but also mighty poignant.  It’s awesome to see how two strangers can connect and enrich each others lives in just a few minutes.  Almost makes me want to happen upon a ball pit today. {! social/video/youtube?url=http%3A// !}

Breaking free from old patterns

When I was a small child, too small to attend camp on my own, I went to camp with my mom.  She was camp nurse and I became a sort of camp mascot. I got to run around and do my own thing and the older campers would see me and be kind to this …

Courage to stand up and walk over

Won’t you stand up and use your voice? There are a lot of folks who are depressed and struggling and anxious and lonely and desperately in need of connection…who are curled up on the inside (and maybe or maybe not on the outside) and would so benefit from another coming alongside. {! admin/html?id=a48d0e75ba205d3e954c26f13596dec0 !} For …

Hump Day Nudge: Silliness

It’s not hard to find experiences of struggle, sadness, betrayal, unfairness, or brokenness in our lives.  Getting out of bed and out the door is a sure way to experience some challenges of life. Our “reptilian brain” is on guard for danger and seeks to protect us from it…it looks for things that can harm …

Women burning clean anger

It breaks my heart when women are so nice that they don’t tell their partners or their friends or their kids when they are mad. It frustrates me when women: suppress what they want to have happen pretend it didn’t really hurt all that much or stop themselves from expressing a different opinion on the …

Gardens of Memories

I took a Junior Tribe Member out for lunch today…as I have done on their birthdays from the time they were in preschool.  We go to the restaurant of their choice…many years it was at McDonald’s or Dairy Queen, then later, out for pizza, and lately the choice has been Cora’s. Lunchtime at school is …