Hump Day Nudge: Silliness

If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done quote

It’s not hard to find experiences of struggle, sadness, betrayal, unfairness, or brokenness in our lives.  Getting out of bed and out the door is a sure way to experience some challenges of life.

Our “reptilian brain” is on guard for danger and seeks to protect us from it…it looks for things that can harm us, and scans our environment regularly. And it finds things that feel risky regularly.

It keeps us alive…but it can also keep us anxious.

Our “mammalian brain” seeks to connect with warmth and engagement…it seeks to survive by being close with others.

It keeps us alive in a different way…with creativity, humour, joy, nurture and laughter.

That part of our brain needs to be nurtured because of the tendency of the reptilian brain to hijack our brain without deliberate practice to ensure otherwise.

When we nurture our mammalian brain through joy, warmth, creativity…even silliness…we are better able to use the smartest, most sophisticated parts of our brain.

Wow…pretty heavy for a Hump Day Nudge, eh?

All of this to say that at Bergen and Associates we make efforts to nurture the fun, warm, even silly parts of ourselves…not only because we are better able to live our lives, but well…because it’s just plain fun.  We have chocolate eggs in the candy bowls.  Del put bright colorful flowers on each desk. And Rod posted this:

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Giggle with us for just a minute?

We’re glad you did. It was fun for all of us.

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