Asking for Help Part 2
My travelling buddy for my Oprah Lifeclass adventure in Chicago last week, J, is quite simply, a force. J and I sat in on the taping of two episodes featuring Dr. Brene Brown…and it was a moving experience for the audience…most of us caregiver types. Being J’s friend is a little risky and a lot …
Asking for help Part 1
I had a blast on Monday at the taping of Oprah’s lifeclass with Dr. Brene Brown. Oprah and Brene are both witty, smart, engaging women who create interesting and engaging conversation. The tapings flew by. The audience had about 150 people..and to be honest, we weren’t there to see Oprah (though, to be equally honest, …
Hump Day Nudge: Creating Good Memories
I was out of town this week at Oprah’s Lifeclass with Brené Brown…and with Wednesday’s Hump Nudge coming up…well, Melanie nudged me about what to post…and I loved her suggestion. Fred just lost the love of his life…they were together 75 years. Wow. He wrote a song…except he’s not musical, and so he only created …
School Anxiety
I was talking this morning with Dahlia Kurtz and Jon Ljungberg at CJOB about how parents can help kids with anxiety they may be having around school stress as they anticipate school starting in a couple of weeks. The upshot of our conversation is this: There is a wide range of “normal” when it comes …
Anchoring in Terror
She doesn’t know it, but Antoinette Tuff was my teacher today. This video is worth 16 minutes of your life. Antoinette prevented a massive, highly dangerous man from another epic disastrously awful school shooting in Georgia yesterday. Not by pinning the man down, or calling the police, or shooting him. She cared for …
Hump Day Nudge: Meditative Gratitude
I just got back from vacation…and the time to step away gave me fresh perspective and new energy. The space to relax and breath. It was good. Getting away for days at at time generally isn’t practical…”getting away”, though, is still important. Sometimes even 5 minutes of a “getaway” canmake a difference. Brother David …
Domestic Violence Part 3
I blogged here and here a few weeks ago about domestic violence…looking at the roots…understanding that our culture assists in shaping men’s behaviour towards violence. Gail Shaver, the therapist that works most closely with those who engage in our Transforming Destructive into Constructive-Intimate Partner Violence program reminded me that I missed something big in the …
More Great Therapists!
Therapy isn’t easy to attend. It is important for therapists to know how much courage it takes to attend therapy, and to honour that courage with providing the best therapy they are able to provide. At Bergen and Associates Counselling, I’m incredibly proud of our team of therapists. They do an amazing job. We care …
Hump Day Nudge: A heart to heart with a heart surgeon
I love this video done by Soul Pancake and the Oprah Winfrey network that interviews Dr. Kathy Magliato, a heart surgeon. For someone who likes biology, it’s interesting. For someone like myself who works does a different sort of work with hearts, day after day, it’s truly profound. Two moments stopped me cold: The first: …