Building Capacity: You Can Do It!

I am not a morning person. This might be an understatement. I’m quite certain that all of my college papers were written between the hours of 11:00pm and 1:00am, and that I never really engaged meaningfully in class until after 9am and a few cups of coffee.  Many years later, and in spite of parenting …

Trauma from a Distance

Today, September 11, is a day that I remember well in 2001.  I was driving to work when I heard about the World Trade Center tower being hit as the top story of the news.  By the time I got to my office, the second tower had been hit.  By the time we finished our …

Hump Day Nudge: You Don’t Have to Walk Alone

I love a cappella music…voices blending together in beautiful harmony just melts me. There’s something about voices giving beauty to each other. When a voice finds its pitch in relationship to others, well…that seems exquisite to me. Voices supporting each other, adding to the others by their own unique contribution. In a cappella music, each …

The Five Regrets of the Dying/The Five Opportunities for the Living

Chatting about this with Dahlia on CJOB today…we have choices that we will have to live with for the rest of our lives.  Why not invest some time in finding out how those who are dying wished they chose differently? From our series: Opportunity #1: Authenticity …to challenge the possibility of the first regret:  I …

Accident on the Coquihalla

**Trigger warning…some graphic accident info described.  Stop reading if you could be triggered, please. After 4 days of travel, we were on the Coquihalla, almost to our destination on the West Coast…and then we came upon the scene.  The tour bus had done a complete roll, landing on the side of the highway…missing all the …

Post-summer parenting shame

It’s that time of year again, where parents pull out school supply lists and dust off indoor shoes to see if they still fit for the upcoming year.  Lazy summer routines make way for structure, and boxes of KD head back to the pantry in favor of bagged lunches and portable snacks. For some people, …