The Hidden Destruction of Inverse Scorekeeping

I read Donald Miller’s Scary Close book late last fall…and it was one of the best books I’d read in a long time.  It was funny and clever and engaging, and all about relationships, my favourite topic. Y’know it’s a good book, when months after it’s been read, it comes back to bite you in …

Big birds in small cages

Sigh…summer is such a beautiful time isn’t it? And with it comes altered schedules…Carolyn’s writing routine is off and she will be returning to regular writing on the blog soon.  For now, another beautiful blog by therapist and writer, Sabrina Friesen… I’ve always been a word girl, finding solace in the words of others and …

The story of the story

Picture this: Four children are lying on the dock and happily playing looking at the minnows.  They are chatting a bit back and forth, adding sound effects as the little fishies swim back and forth in the water.  All of a sudden, one child looks up and notices something: “Hey guys, l like sand.  Let’s …

Bystander to Hero

Years ago, during grad school, I was flying back to California to study after a visit home.  I and the other passengers were sitting in the airplane while it was waiting on the tarmac. As we sat quietly waiting to taxi to the runway, soft wisps of smoke began to emerge from the ventilation system. …

Altered Memories or Lying?

When I was in Grade 2, we moved from a house that I loved and a neighbourhood I felt safe in–I loved my school, enjoyed my school, had great friends down the street, loved the beautiful elm trees arching over the street, and loved playing on the stone steps of the grand church nearby. I …