I’m at the end of an era. Eleven years ago, I asked friends of mine to pray for me as I looked to find a suitable location amidst odd circumstances for my counselling office. I only wanted a part time practice at the time for one person. A good friend of mine answered my prayer …
Cherished Personal Narratives
We often don’t realize how sometimes, when we get ticked off at someone, it is less about what s/he is going and more because s/he’s messin’ with our heads. While we may not like what a person is doing, we may not like, even more, what it does to the internal unspoken but very real …
The Whole without the Sum of its Parts
Guessing what the puzzle looks like when you haven’t got all the pieces means you end up with something that feels right, but may be far from the truth. That isn’t rocket science. But unwittingly, we live out lives in the fantasy that we know what the puzzle looks like, even when we don’t have …
Silence–Freedom or Fear?
As you probably know, the Amish believe in living a simple life–no electricity, no telephones, no motorized vehicles. Yet in many of the communities there is a pay phone. When asked about this apparent discrepancy one elder explained, ’If the telephone were in our home it would control us. As long as it is out …
Creating Security
I was having trouble sleeping last night. And no, not because it was too unbearably hot-it had been a very warm day, but there was a slight breeze coming in the window that was gradually cooling the room. And no, not because the wedding I attended had me thinking about the beauty of love. I …
I was out in my front yard this morning, pulling weeds and putting in a few late plants to fill in the holes that are left by some of the early bloomers. The lilies will bloom soon. I noticed this morning, in the early morning sun, how they are oriented: I had the camera straight …
Text Arguing
I was talking with Nicole Dube of Global News today as she was doing a piece on fighting via SMS/text messaging. She let me know that recent stats suggest that cellular devices are now being used more for texting than for voice communication (aka “talking on the phone”). That means that cell phones are being …
My name was safe in her mouth
I was at a family wedding shower last weekend. Brave girl, the new cousin-to-be, daring to walk into a room full of aunts, cousins, and second cousins all of whom are related to her fiancee, and most of whom are complete strangers to her. She did great, and now has enough small appliances to stock …
Celebration of Restitution
I, like the rest of Canada, was well aware of the final day of Olympics this last weekend. The hockey game between Canada and the US effectively shut down the country as we all joined together in watching the game, and in joyful anticipation of the eventual victory. Wow…Sunday felt good, eh? But the moment …
Living Consistently to Your Words
What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. – Ralph Waldo Emerson I was at a basketball game the other day (not unusual) and sitting in the bleachers (my back may never completely recover from this bleacher filled season of my life) and enjoying the game (what’s not to love …