Mothering is an attitude

For a lotta years, I was a single mom to my Junior Tribe Members. There wasn’t always enough of me to go around with the driving and cooking and working and supporting and talking and cleaning and all the other things that all mothers do every day. One of my JTM was on a team …

A letter to Car: me

Dear Carolyn, A letter to Carolyn, from Carolyn.  That can sorta catch people off guard, including me. Why do we have to have the same name?!! It’s wonderful to be in love and getting married. I’m loving my life, excited about my future, and planning details of a wedding to the man of my dreams. …

A letter to Car: Your kids

Dear Carolyn, They wore red. Each of them. Their shirt or in their tie. It was your favorite color and one of the many ways they honored your memory that day. I remember them walking in to the church and down the aisle to the the front, all slow and somber and dressed up. They cleaned up real …

The power of “WOW”

I’m a bit of a knowledge geek.  Or, maybe, a lot of a knowledge geek. One of the ways I increase my enjoyment factor when I exercise is to listen to podcasts that teach me things…pretty nerdy, huh?  But I like to hear about new and interesting things…it’s just quirky interesting learning…and I find I …

Hump Day Nudge: Giving the Best

Y’know how we often say in December…Wouldn’t it be nice to keep the Christmas spirit the whole year through? Y’know, that feeling we feel so powerfully between Christmas and New Year’s of:   family is important  relationships are stuff of life slowing down to spend time with friends and family is life-giving? Yeah, I say …

Building Capacity: You Can Do It!

I am not a morning person. This might be an understatement. I’m quite certain that all of my college papers were written between the hours of 11:00pm and 1:00am, and that I never really engaged meaningfully in class until after 9am and a few cups of coffee.  Many years later, and in spite of parenting …

Post-summer parenting shame

It’s that time of year again, where parents pull out school supply lists and dust off indoor shoes to see if they still fit for the upcoming year.  Lazy summer routines make way for structure, and boxes of KD head back to the pantry in favor of bagged lunches and portable snacks. For some people, …


Today is a day we honour fathers in our lives…”Father’s Day”…and folks all over the city are having brunches, breakfasts of dried out cold toast or limp waffles, and BarBQ’s. The value of fathers in a child’s life cannot be overestimated. Having a father to affirm your personhood, to celebrate who you are, to remind …