Self Compassion: Being loving to your suffering

I’ve had self-compassion on my mind lately.  I gave a workshop to a group of foster parents on the topic last week, and have had a couple of profound conversations with colleagues about being compassionate towards ourselves. Self compassion:   gives staying power to those in helping professions.  It takes a lot of energy to …

Joy and Sadness: Thoughts on the Inside Out Movie

Therapists love Inside Out, the movie that gives a window into folks’ emotions.  It may be a cartoon, but there’s some well respected neuroscience in it, and the movie gives voice to the way we often talk to clients about different parts of themselves.  So…we will be hearing from a couple of therapists and their …

The power of “WOW”

I’m a bit of a knowledge geek.  Or, maybe, a lot of a knowledge geek. One of the ways I increase my enjoyment factor when I exercise is to listen to podcasts that teach me things…pretty nerdy, huh?  But I like to hear about new and interesting things…it’s just quirky interesting learning…and I find I …

Self-compassion–A lived experience

I’m still chuckling at myself for what happened before I learned self compassion.  Sometimes, the most powerful lessons aren’t learned at the course, but in the course of life. I registered for the workshop hosted by the Compassion Project, Klinik, and the Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Resource Center that featured Dr. Kristin Neff that …


Join me in a little experiment? Get comfortable.  Shake out your arms and legs.  Take a couple of deep breaths. Check to see if your shoulders are relaxed. Breath in and out again slowly. And spend a long minute simply noticing this picture, and also notice what you notice about this picture: What did you …