Husband and I have been married a year. A year of being Husband and Wife. A year of being two families who are also one family. Lessons learned: 1. Single people can work late, and pick up sushi on the way home, much easier than married people who have a houseful of people. Marriage definitely …
Affirmation: You’re Good Trouble
I love my work. I love it for lots of reasons that I’ve written about before–the clients I see humble me with their courage and stun me with their growth. I am often surprised by joy as we work through the difficult stuff of life. I also love it because it is a place where …
Mealtime: It’s not about the food
At our house, Tuesday is family supper day. We have a Junior Tribe Members and fiancées who don’t live at home. On Tuesdays, they know to show up. They might have a game or a shift or something that has them miss occasionally, but it’s a day that we don’t arrange for them to come …
Take note: Notes
Men…take note: Write notes They don’t have to be fancy. They don’t have to be long. They just have to show her you thought of her. We all struggle with the feeling of not feeling good enough, of not being lovable. Part of our heads know otherwise, but a little reassurance goes a long way. …
Growing Hope: That’s what we do
Around Bergen and Associates Counselling, we grow hope. We grow hope in all sorts of ways with our clients. It’s beautiful to watch hope grow. I can’t even begin to tell you how special a job I have to have a front row seat to the growth of hop in the lives of the folks …
Carolyn’s Shoebox Legacy
And now…we take a break from the regular blog posts and send out a “message in a bottle” sort of blog. About 132 children will receive a shoebox from Samaritan’s Purse this year with a letter that has this link to it. We don’t know where they will be from–it could be anywhere in the …
“I’m proud of you”
I had a smile on my face the other day remembering the conversation: A friend of mine met me for lunch… John and his wife are good friends of mine…maybe 5 years or so younger than I am. Good people. Solid. He has Junior Tribe Members the same age as I do, and our kids …
Were you happy single?
A few weeks before my April wedding, a professional woman who I’d recently gotten to know asked me, “Were you happy being single?” I floundered for a response and babbled on in a scrambled fashion for a few minutes and then finally had the insight to ask her, “Where does that question come from?” And …
Disappointed but appreciative
And here’s another thoughtful thought from Sabrina Friesen… I am mama to a sports fanatic. My little guy learned his letters and how to sound out words by writing out the team rosters for the Blue Jays, Steelers, and the Jets. He’s learned how to Google search players and team lists, and spends countless hours …
(Sabrina Friesen wrote and sent this to me a few weeks ago in mid-December…back when it was warmer and much slushier…it is being published now with Carolyn finally finished her family gatherings! 🙂 Balance. It’s not a new word. We’ve all heard it. We apparently should all be striving for this in our lives in …