As Manitoba moved so Stage 1 of reopening our economy, the uncertainty of risks will be stressful for everyone.

As Manitoba moved so Stage 1 of reopening our economy, the uncertainty of risks will be stressful for everyone.
Dear Coach, It wasn’t easy to support my son’s decision to travel across the country to play on your team. Now, 5 years later, with 20/20 hindsight, it was a brilliant decision. And not because the team won the National Championship…but because of the five years which led up to this championship. You see, when …
Dear Son, I remember hearing the thrill in your voice when you called me weeks ago: “Mom, coach told me I’m wearing number 11 this year!!” Number 11–the heart of the team. A well loved player whose legacy was valued and cherished is remembered by number 11. Now it is your job to honour him …
Another leadership program? Really? Aren’t there enough floating around out there? Yes, there are a lot. But we need this one. You need this one. Your team will thank you if you absorb this one. Dare to Lead has a fresh emphasis that is lifegiving for leaders and followers alike. A breath of fresh air …