#BellLetsTalk day reminds us to share pain. “Ouch” is a complete sentence. If that’s all ya got, that’s enough.

#BellLetsTalk day reminds us to share pain. “Ouch” is a complete sentence. If that’s all ya got, that’s enough.
The light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel is getting bigger. You’d think that we can all hardly wait to be released from restriction! We are on the cusp of widespread vaccinations–whoo hoo! Mostly. If you have hesitancies anticipating the end of COVID-19, you are not alone There are quiet conversations daily about the …
The game of “you’ve got cooties” as a kid felt horrible. COVID-19 has us playing a version of it–it feels distressing because we were meant to connect, not distance.
We share custody of the world with COVID-19. We need to have both a healthy fear and a healthy realism moving forward. We need to balance both.
The COVID-19 Pandemic guided journal is here! Make art to explore and understand your soul in this weird new normal. Available now!
My pastor asked for a quick “cheat sheet” for the fine folks on his staff that are in contact with people that are feeling distressed about COVID-!19 and all the chaos surrounding the “lowering the curve”. What can they say? What can they suggest? I drew up a quick “coping kit” for him that he …
When I spoke at TEDx Winnipeg 2018 last year, I finished with a story about Bonnie. We’ve known each other for a lot of years. In the TEDx talk, I started the story by saying, “I can think of no better way to tell you about the beauty of the human forest that to tell …
I have had opportunity this year to hear of the devastating effects of serving in the military. Loss of life is what we often hear about in the news. However, so many serve–and while their hearts remain beating, they thrum uncontrollably dealing with the traumatic effects of service. Their families then also deal with the …
I posted a picture last week, the day before school started on Facebook: I wanted to encourage the students, the teachers, and everyone else that was and is starting something new and exciting and terrifying and wonderful and nervewracking. Hal Anderson read it and got choked up. It touched on the part of him that …
It has been three years since Husband and I stood before family and friends to commit our lives to each other…our third anniversary. Maybe now we are an old married couple? 😉 Pastor John was one of the officiants at our ceremony. He means a lot to both of us, as he has had significant …