Almost all Nobel laureates in the sciences are actively engaged in arts as adults. They are twice as likely as the average scientist to be a photographer; four times as likely to be a musician; eight times more likely to do woodworking or some other craft; twelve times more likely to write poetry and literature; …
Foreboding Joy
Fellow Winnipeggers will understand the sinking feeling I had as I walked out of the gym last evening at 10:00 pm…all around me were people echoing the same thoughts: This is just SO sad I can’t believe it There are no words for this It’s never going to be spring and one that caught my …
TDC–Still Going Strong
Time are achangin’ in all sorts of ways around here at Bergen and Associates Counselling. We’ve got therapists moving on to exciting n ew opportunities, other therapists that will begin shortly after we get settled into the new place. We are sending out address changes, and sorting through various cupboards that have somehow spontaneously collected …
Building Gratitude in Kids–An all round winner
Stumbled across a video the other day, which reminded me of the value of instilling a sense of thankfulness in our children. I remember talking with a junior member of my tribe years ago when they were at the stage where they could utter only single words or short sentences…and in speech only a mother …
Painting Peace
When the going gets tough, the saying goes, the tough get going…heh. Yeah. right. Wish it were that easy. For me, this week, when the going gets tough, apparently, Carolyn goes painting. Huh? Let me explain. Life means a bit of slogging these days, for moi. The beginning of April is a time of remembering …
Tell Someone She is Amazing
When is the last time you told a friend that s/he was amazing? Kim McGregor lost her friend, Erika Heller, in 2009, because of colon cancer. Kim misses Erika for all sorts of wonderful reasons, one of which is that Erika ended their converstaions with the words, “I think you’re amazing because…” As a tribute …
Duh…of course it hurts!
Science has now proven that which those with broken hearts have always known…love hurts. Seriously, it really hurts. A body aches in pain when a loved one goes away for good. Not just a perception, a reality. Watch: sitellite/util/snippets (code=89bde071899e04b271d21720df3c8897)
Change in the Air
There are puddles on the ground and a warmth in the breeze around here…winter is gone and spring has a firm hold on our world. The grass may have some snow on it yet…but the grass that is already exposed has a green tinge to it…it is ALIVE!! Have you guessed that my favoritest season, …
Empowerment from the Inside Out
Viola Desmond is one of my heroes. I like her. As a woman, I long to follow in her footsteps. In 1946, Viola had car trouble, and while waiting for her car to be fixed, she purchased a movie ticket, and sat down in the theatre waiting for the show to start. After she was …
A Haven in Hell
New York is an amazing city to visit…one I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to. I was there last week. Wow. Wow. Wow…just wow…unbelievable. The lights on Broadway that light it up brighter than day after dark. The “M & M” store is 3 stories tall…three stories of souvenirs celebrating the little colorful candies. No …