TDC–Still Going Strong

Time are achangin’ in all sorts of ways around here at Bergen and Associates Counselling. We’ve got therapists moving on to exciting n ew opportunities, other therapists that will begin shortly after we get settled into the new place. We are sending out address changes, and sorting through

various cupboards that have somehow spontaneously collected stuff that now needs to be sorted…some packed…and much shredded and thrown away.

Another new change that we are excited about is the Transforming Destructive into Constructive program. It’s still the same great quality interesting program that it’s always been.. But now Roshonna Plett has led her first group and reports came back that it was very successful! Roshonna has been delivering the TDC program to individuals for quite some time now, but hung out with Rod Minaker as he led the group several times.

Roshonna was excited about the new lease on life that some members of the group talked about at the close of the group. Being able to understand one’s own anger, and to develop tools specifically related to the unique way in which that anger was shaped is very empowering.

Roshonna enjoyed the comraderie of the group. Although it has to be intimidating for people to show up for a group on anger management…once people are in the door, it’s amazing how quickly the group “gels” and how much people can learn from each other as well as the instructor. It’s just simply life giving to be a part of a group where participants are learning and supporting and being empowered.


We are blessed here at Bergen & Associates Counselling  that we have Roshonna Plett to continue the strong tradition of quality anger

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