A Thought

“You are beautiful…when you let friends have their space, when you believe, when you laugh, or are moved to tears, when you let it just roll right off your back, when you talk about your dreams, when you help a turtle across the road, when you try to do the right thing even when it …

Difference between "Good" and "Nice"

The difference between good and nice has been on my mind a bunch lately. Trying to sort out the difference, and trying to make some promises to myself about what I want to do with my fresh thinking on this. It started a few weeks ago when a friend and I went for a looooong …

A thought

“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible.” Virginia Satir

Recognizing the power of our inner world

Shawn Achor looks at the “happiness advantage”…by looking at people that are particularly successful in life satisfaction and effectiveness, he discovered that what puts a person in optimal position to be effective/happy/content. I posted a blog of him a few weeks ago…but the TEDx talk where I first saw him has now been published on …

Who will love me for me?

I’ve been in the listening-to-people’s-hearts business for years…and I love it. Everyone is different and has unique perspectives and challenges…but underlying so many conversations I have with people is the question, “Who will love me for me?”   Who will love me for me? Not for what I have done or for what I will …

The Power of Bullies

You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use You have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like I’m nothing You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I’m wounded You, pickin’ on the weaker man… Someday I’ll be big enough so you …

Can you say this…

…to your life partner, your business partner, your child, your BFF…and mean it? I want to: love you without clutching appreciate you without judging join you without invading invite you without demanding leave you without guilt criticize you without blaming and help you without insulting If I can have the same from you then we …

Passionate Compassion

Arvid Loewen is one crazy uncle with a grandpa’s heart big enough for 2000 kids. Most of us have an uncle that we might refer to as, ahem, odd or quirky…maybe he has ear hairs inches long, or he wears the ugliest sweaters to family gatherings, or he brings smelly picked fish as his offering …