What if there was a technique to reduce surgical complications by 35% and fatality rates in surgery by 47%…across the board…all surgeries, all over the world, no matter what kind of hospital in whatever country? And what if I told you that this technique has been tried and tested in multiple sorts of surgical centers…and …
Change and Time Available
The level of work has to fit how much time you’ve got…so you need to be aware of how that affects the counselling process. Imagine your child is getting married in six months’ time…and you are having the rehearsal dinner at your house. It is exciting and you are thrilled and you want the dinner …
A Thought
“When you love someone, you do not love them all the time, in exactly the same way, from moment to moment. It is an impossibility. It is even a lie to pretend to. And yet this is exactly what most of us demand. We have so little faith in the ebb and flow of life, …
“The strength is our people” is a well used line…but at Bergen and Associates it’s not just something we say, but something we have the privilege of experiencing. I get to go to work everyday, knowing I work with fantastic people: They are fun, we love to laugh together. They are supportive…to me and of …
Growth Underneath the Crap
I generally dislike spring clean up…ok…that’s more polite that I really feel about it… I hate spring clean up. I hate it almost worse than fall clean up…mainly because I put it off so long last fall, that it didn’t get done properly, and so there were more leaves and stuff left behind than should. …
Powerful Medicine
Would you be interested in an intervention that reduced anxiety by 48% in a meta-analysis, and with low dose gave relief to 30% on those with depression , and with an increased dose, that effect increased to 47%? That treatment is available to pretty much all of us…and there are further significant benefits from this …
Love this powerful example of how, when two get together, they are greater than the sum of their parts…and how each celebrate the magic of the chemistry, and choose to powerfully build the other up…and all who watch benefit from seeing this magic.
What Forgiveness is NOT…
Forgiveness is an oft misunderstood concept…and tho simple in its steps, is far from easy to do. Forgiveness is a posture in oneself towards another who has wronged you that moves past the pain of the wrong, to open oneself up to larger possibilities…it focuses on the fullness of life, rather than the wrong of …
What Forgiveness is…
Ever take a poorly trained labrador retriever for a walk? It’s tricky. and chaotic. and a little crazy…maybe even feeling a little dangerous. As a matter of fact…who’d you be kidding…it would be the dog taking YOU for a walk. The dog would decide how fast you’d go, when you’d stop, and how far off …
Listen to your Body
Sabrina Friesen, a therapist with us at Bergen and Associates, sent me a link this week to a blog entry that I found pretty cool…it said, in part: That’s when my body started talking to me. You’ve got to trust me. When I am hungry I will tell you. You’ll hear it in chambered echos, …