The Hidden Cost of Public Protection

Becoming a good soldier, a good cop, or a good fire fire fighter and being a warm, engaged, vulnerable partner/parent is difficult. Because being a good public protector means not staying in control, dominating, exerting power and never showing vulnerability…it’s a requirement to stay alive on the battle field… …and sets that same public protector up for …

L’il Espy

A big snowfall may be coming on outside…the driving is gonna be rough, our world will be white until spring, it’s gonna be tricky to get around for months…but Espy reminds us that there is hope.  There is life. There is goodness. There is beauty… …even in the midst of a cold dark season…but we …

You’re beautiful!

I was surfing today and came across two pieces of info back to back.  The first was this*…beautiful portraiture capturing beauty, not as the modelling world might see it, but as it truly is…the expression of joy, exuberance, loveliness, and “the sparkle” in a person’s eye as they laugh.:     The second was this, …


November upon us…it’s getting darker and colder. Not only is the season a difficult one, but it’s a difficult life season for our team too.  It’s piling up, where members of the Bergen and Associates Counselling team are being hit by deaths of friends, aging and dying parents, health challenges, terminal illness of family members, …

Empathy–critical for connection

There are a multitude of reasons that folks–strangers and friends alike–don’t work to be warm with you…reasons why” she doesn’t greet you with a smile at the checkout a fellow customer bumps into you at the grocery store and keeps going without acknowledgement, he doesn’t ask you about how your day is going, or the …

Gonna think differently about those pickles now!

I posted recently on the interesting things we choose to complain about in our culture…recognized that when we read broadly, learn about other situations, and generally interact with our world, it grounds us.  When we recognize that life is different for others, that others struggle with different issues, things that we used to complain about …

‘Tis the season for despair

Mornings and I are not good friends, though I work hard to make sure we remain on speaking terms. Tomorrow, I suspect we will be barely civil. I’m not a fan of mornings in general, but tomorrow I have an 8:00 class at the university…and with the days getting shorter, it’s gonna be very dark …

I dared greatly

So, today was Fall Convocation at the University of Manitoba.  Occupational Therapy students graduate in Fall Convocation because of the way the U of M program is run…so today was the graduation luncheon for the students. I got a call several days ago asking if I would present the Communications Award at the luncheon.  Makes …