Espy’s got style!

Espy has continued to be a cool conversation piece around the office…these amaryllis plants are enough to shock anybody with their amazing growth… Espy was 22.3 cm 2 weeks ago… a week ago she was 31.0 cm and on Friday she was up to 41.6 cm… Ah-MAZE-ing I have to admit though, the growth of …

The One Thing…

…is hopefully that people can try to take away, I guess, is the relationships they have with people…when you ask someone how they are doing, do you really mean it? When you answer someone back how you’re doing, are you really telling the truth?… We live in a society of social networks and twitter pages …

The Value of Fun

I remember a good friend telling me, in a difficult time of life when I was stressed and struggling, and wondering how to make it through a day that when I cooked spaghetti for the tribe and I should throw a strand towards the ceiling to find out it is was cooked. I looked at …

The Hairbrush Blues

Sometimes, a strategy to solve one problem works really well, but, over time, creates another problem. Let me illustrate. For the past several months, when I get into the car, I put the key in the ignition and hope it will turn. Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn’t. When it first didn’t turn.–like it doesn’t …

A different face of empathy

I’m thinking many of you will find this answers a question or two that’s been been asked often in your relationship.  Spend 90 seconds of your day here, and see if this doesn’t have a small part of you go, “Oh, so that’s why….”      

Espy’s hope grows!

Espy’s, our resident symbol of hope, continues to be in our face with her cheerful optimism…she has once again almost doubled in size…she’s over 22 cm now…growing more than a centimetre and a half per day.  When folks see her after being out of the office for a couple of days, there is a visible …


Spent some time with parents of young children yesterday…discussing with them how hard it is in today’s culture to maintain a quality relationship with one’s spouse. Two-thirds of marriages take a nose dive in quality once the children come along. It’s hard to “be enough” as a mom…to protect our children, to stimulate them, to …

Espy…an oasis

Our resident friend, Esperance…Espy for short…and hope in meaning and inspiration continues to grow! She has doubled in height in the last week…it’s fun to walk into the office after the weekend away and be surprised by the visible change in her growth.  She’s now 12.6 cm…in three weeks. Our staff had a party last …


Do we know how to sit in pain, discomfort, uncertainty and confusion? Uh…that’s a hard one. Do we want to know? Nope…that’s an easy one.  No. Do we have a choice? Sigh…that’s an easy one too.  No choice, nope. There was a time in my life years ago, when I was in a dark place…my …

The balance bar

Permeable and porous…not wide open, nor shut tight. Sigh… …so not easy. I wrote recently of the challenges and the richness of “both/and” living…embracing the joys and sorrows of life simultaneously. It’s easier to be “either/or”…a Pollyanna or an Eeyore…but being stuck in one posture leaves little flexilibility to be both joyful and authentic, to …