Too often, men don’t get to be who they really are, say what they really feel have their outside match their inside express what they really think Men get shut down, shut out, cut off from the best parts of who they are when society, their community, maybe even their own family tells them …
Gruff Sweet Love
When I do premarital counselling, I will often ask the couple, “How do you know what you want your marriage to look like? Have you seen what you want to have somewhere? Do you have a couple you want to model yourselves after?” Often one or both of the couple will refer to their parents. …
Minding Dad
My history with Misericordia Health Centre is a long one…going back to before I was born. My mother went to nursing school there. She graduated from the nursing school and went on to work decades at the Misericordia Hospital. I remember going there once as a little girl when she went late at night for …
Living Well Together
Kelly Bernardin-Dvorak is a therapist who lives a life of working to ever deepen her understanding of her world and to have that matter–to have it impact the world in a way that changes it. She sees clients like most therapists do. But she lives a lifestyle of deliberate community that engages with folks in …
Benefits of kindness
This week has been “one of those weeks” for me. I have three days of classes at school to get ready for next week, a workshop to run, and a full schedule. I have a whole lot of organizing to do regarding school schedules, requests, responses etc. each evening. I’ve got a “to do” list …
A Thought
I hate vulnerability too!
We all do. Therapists explore matters with clients all the time that, when discussed, are deeply exposing and revealing of deep parts of the client. Some clients come in…ready to let a stranger-therapist in on those deep, hidden parts, because as hard as it is to talk to a stranger, it is infinitely easier to …
Battling the Negativity Bias
Our brains are wired for a negativity bias. Bummer, huh? We all, by default, tend to be natural Eeyore’s, looking for the cloud, the crack, the fault, the rolled eyes, the raised eyebrow, the implied criticism, the pursed lips, the blemish, the deficit etc. {! social/video/youtube?url=http%3A// !} There is a way out…and that is …
A Thought
Saw this quote yesterday…got me even more for the Perfectly Imperfect group, beginning January 23 for 10 Wednesdays. For women who want to let go of who they think they should be to embrace the person who they genuinely are.
Perfectly Imperfect-Join us?
Nadia Sawaya and I recently had a conversation about the Perfectly Imperfect Group that she led last fall. She spoke about the power of community…of women speaking honestly into each other’s lives in ways that were life changing. In the final group, the women spoke with each other about how little and big things had …