FAQ’s about yelling at your adolescent

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh published a study this fall that looked at the relationship between teens being yelled at and their behaviour.  The results were inconvenient, to say the least, to parents who use yelling as a form of steering their teenager into appropriate behaviour.  To put it quite simply, the study found …

The Woman Cold

So…last post about the man cold…and this one about the woman cold. And now is when the woman say: What woman cold?  There is no such thing as a woman cold.  I don’t have time to be sick”. Yes.  exactly. That would be the exact context of the woman cold. You see, women struggle with …

The Man Cold

You’ve seen this, or a version of it, while watching a commercial for cough syrup or cold symptoms, right? Some research suggests that women are biologically more sensitive to pain and therefore more likely to struggle during illness. Other research suggests that men have different temperature receptors in their brain and feel “rougher” during the …

The Daring Way ™

I can remember the moment, fundamentally, my perspective changed. Years, ago, I began dancing with a limp…I birthed the most beautiful, perfect little boys you could imagine…they were born silently.  No screaming or crying.  Ever. I was heartbroken.  Heck, I was just plain broken. Period. My dream of having children, a life long passionate dream, …

______ makes me happy

I took this year off of teaching as a self proclaimed “sabbatical-type” year…this year I have only one job and I’m focusing on it, able to take a course in clinical supervision so that I might be a more effective clinical supervisor, and getting my certification in Brené Brown’s The Daring Way program.  It’s given …

Best tip: Reconnect when you notice disconnection

Find ways to reconnect emotionally when you notice a disconnection. Sounds obvious, huh? Well, it is, right now, because you’re not steamed, not feeling resentful, guilty, angry, or frustrated. And so you aren’t defensive, belligerent, argumentative, fearful, attacking or withdrawing. Relationships seem so obvious and easy when you’re calm and reading blogs, aren’t they? Not …