Hump Day Nudge: New Life

I’m a mush-ball when it comes to babies.  Babies of all kinds.

So when I saw this clip of all these little turtles being born, I just gazed in fascination.  How did they all know which direction to go?  How, after being in eggs independently, were they ready to hatch within just minutes of each other?

And how did the film maker think he was gonna get rich off of selling this video to National Geographic? And why was his buddy so interested about easily they could get eaten?  The commentary is half the show! I love the excitement they share in seeing this incredible sight…it’s infectious!

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You can get the gist of the video in the first 10 or 20 seconds…but there’s something about slowly down to watch the whole thing…I found myself rooting for this one or that one that was struggling a bit, or cheering for one that surmounted a particularly high sand crest.  I became immersed in the beauty of new life, of the ability of turtles to get up and go.  

I relaxed and calmed and grinned for a few minutes in the middle of a busy day.

Life rushes by too fast sometimes, doesn’t it?  Nothing like the birth of a turtle to slow you down in the best of ways!

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