Meet Sabrina Friesen

I’ve known Sabrina for years…since around the time she started her Master’s in Counselling.  I’ve heard about her papers and her practicums and her arduous adventures of being a counselling student, as an acquaintance already in the field who followed her aspirations with interest. Even before she had all the training, I just had a gut feeling she was going to be one of those naturally gifted therapists

When Sabrina graduated she joined us for an additional internship for a time before transitioning to a full therapist.  She works three days per week with us, finding a valuable home-work balance that is good for all.

Sabrina is someone who makes the world a better place by being in it.  We laugh, ask about each other’s families, and she is genuinely a caring part of the team.  She is relaxed and easy-going. She is profoundly grateful for so much in her life, and her pleasure in her work with clients is clear and authentic.

Sabrina is a woman who has been through hell and high water in her life personally, and so when she works with people, she does so with a wisdom born of difficult real life situations…her b*llsh*t meter is pretty sensitive so when she hears something that doesn’t ring true, she is probably right, and she has the chutzpah to bring just about anything up.  What’s remarkable though, is how she calls people on what’s going on in their life in this genuinely caring way.

She understands the pain of folks when they are not being who they were fully created to be, and not fully enjoying the relationships and connections they were created to enjoy…and so when she sees barriers that interfere with that, she brings things up in ways that have them be genuinely grateful that she has such courageous wisdom.

And Sabrina finds gentle humour in many situations and people find themselves laughing with her, even in the middle of some serious crap…not at themselves, but with each other in ways that bring alive the vitality of connecting with another human being at a deep level.

If you are interested in working with Sabrina please call our office at 204 275 1045 or contact us via email

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