Hump Day Nudge…Everyone wins when the underdog wins!



The more you loose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have. Norman Vincent Peale

I love it when folks who need to feel the awesome feeling of accomplishment happens…and folks around do what it takes to make that happen.

Those sorts of moments change us all…

  • when we watch a child accomplish a longed for goal, and see his mother’s joy
  • when we see a teen age boy choose one for the team of humanity, rather than his basketball team
  • when we see the crowd goes nuts, because sometimes a basket is more than a basket


we are all inspired to be better people when we see a person achieve their dream, and we see the support of the community that made it possible.


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Let this video inspire your Wednesday and give you a nudge over the hump!  Share it with a friend at coffee break or by the water cooler, or on Facebook…we could all use a smile in the middle of the week in February.

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